You Might be a Bad Drupal Developer If...

- You use Dropbox as your version control system.
- You download and install 1000+ Drupal modules “just in case” you need them.
- You give anonymous users permission to Views UI "so they can customize their experience."
- You provide the PHP filter option for the comment field in order to find Drupal talent by seeing who can hack your site first.
- You give anonymous users the “Administer permissions” privilege so they don't have to bug you in order to turn on a feature for themselves.
- You claim "Ubercart is clearly PCI compliant” because of a forum thread starting and ending in 2008.
- Your favorite IDE is MS word.
- You place all of your site content into blocks instead of nodes (or other entities).
- Your idea of upgrading a module from D6 to D7 is changing the version number in the .info file.
- You routinely set the sites/default/files permissions to 777. After all, how else would you upload a file?
- You pronounce “Dries” like you would the plural of the word dry.
- You don’t realize @drupaltruth is being hilariously sarcastic.
- You tried migrating from Wordpress to Drupal by replacing wp-config.php with settings.php.
- You use snowpeoples as your favorite delimiter.
- You went to JoomlaCamp Colorado and ended up here by mistake.
- Your favorite way to ‘integrate’ 3rd party code is to use php includes from external urls.
- You spend hours each week trying to get developers to ditch IRC and join your AIM channel.
Got more? I'd love to hear them. The funniest 20 will be used in a followup post!
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